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I truly appreciate your time and would like to thank you for visiting. My name is Vincent Bigras.

Just like you, I’m a hard working Canadian. I also contribute to meeting my responsibilities, which includes respecting the Canadian Constitution and the Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms and all they encompass.

What our party proposes, is the culmination of over 30 years of research, data gathering and discussions with Canadians. Naturally, our platform includes all Canadians, from all walks of life.

Your time spent exploring your potential is invaluable. We propose to build a better, brighter future for Canadians with the involvement of Canadians like you.

As we move forward, we will continue to expand our site to provide additional information and resources. Soon, we will offer a French index of our entire platform, and yes “je parle français.”

We appreciate all our volunteers and their contributions. We are in the process of meeting the necessary requirements to complete the formal process of being registered as a federal party. If you are in a capacity to help, promote, foster and/or accelerate our platform, please do not hesitate to contact us.

Factual common sense is the only credential needed. Your questions and your involvement do not require any advanced academia.

We have no crowd fund and we are not accepting any donations. Any site asking for donations under our party brand, do not represent us. Please send us any information you may find in those matters.

We invite you to send your comments and questions. Let’s fill the CUP with Freedom.