Our Canadian Military, Reserves and Veterans

We care deeply about our Canadian Veterans. The past sacrifices of those who gave up everything, so we may enjoy freedom, is beyond immense. We enjoy the civil liberties and our way of life because of past sacrifices made by Canadians, believing in Canada and our Constitution.

Our veterans of the past and present, are especially cherished here at the Canadian United Party. It is because of these brave Canadian Women and Men, that we can apply our democratic rights and freedoms of civil liberties and propose to you, better choices for our future.

If you are a veteran or currently serve in a capacity to protect our Canadian Constitution and our Charter of Rights and Freedoms, we here at the Canadian United Party thank you. We promise you greater and better support moving forward and propose to bring additional institutional frameworks of aid to help veterans and current standing military soldiers and personnel.

Our proposal includes medical, housing, financial and re-integration policies aimed at providing veterans with accessibility to a better future. In the future, should we vote as a country to build a National Guard organization for our country, I envision our veterans providing leadership in this endeavour. 

International Policy

As part of a global neighbourhood, we must continue to meet our international obligations. We must continue to support our allies in times of difficulty and crisis.

None the less, we will return to a more formal and prestigious title of a global “Peace Keeper”. The glorious standing military heritage of the Peace Keepers will bring back a truer sense of Canadian national heritage. According to our national anthem, “We Stand On Guard For Thee”

We would like to propose the possibility of creating an at home National Guard organization. We would put forth these questions to Canadians, once our voting proposal is in place.    

We must continue to support and defend our democracy, our country and past sacrifices. From coast, to coast, to coast, we must be prepared to stand united, strong and free.

We must endure to persevere and continue build a country, with a strong proud Canadian heritage, to ensure freedom for our children and future generations.

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