Our Continued Fiscal Commitment

According to past fiscal information published by the Parliamentary Budget Office, prior to the 2022 liberal budget, if the government continues with current borrowing and spending policies, we are looking at half a century before we can attempt to balance the budget. We need to stop the fiscal decent into national bankruptcy, which the current government accelerates today with inefficient and wasteful spending.

The current governments plan is clear. It is to shoulder Canadians with more irresponsible budgetary spending and debt. The Liberals and NDP are quick to sell you short term benefits, while hiding the true cost of such politically motivated schemes. No one is talking of their plans to increase taxes in the near future, to service our astronomical debt burden.

The current federal Liberal government is adorned with multiple different ethics misconduct violations regarding breaking ethics rules and operating beyond ethical parameters. We cannot in sound mind believe any fiscal management information from unethical sources.

We will propose fiscal and budgetary policies aimed at reducing unnecessary unproductive federal spending. A reassessment of all priority expenditures is a reasonable expectation to better manage our future investments and bring responsible fiscal governance back to Canada. With a strict fiscal focus, Canadians can expect to see a return to balanced budgets, within a 15 year time frame. 

  • We propose to eliminate non-essential spending. We will propose alternative cost saving measures such as phasing out inefficient tax exhaustive corporate and foreign welfare programs to be replaced with incentive targeted based investments. We are facing a debt tsunami, therefor we need to take care of ourselves, as stated in Canada’s list of responsibilities, and then we can be in a better situation to provide real help to others.
  • Further, the Canadian United Party proposes to reduce federal MP salaries and expenses by 10%. We will lead the way, in proposing practical sound solutions to reducing our borrowing and debt obligations.
  • We will look at removing trade barriers within our country to promote nationwide economic growth. Inter provincial trade barriers cost Canadians approximately $100 billion in lost economic opportunities. The tax revenue from such economic production is much needed.
  • Additionally, the federal government currently holds and maintains at great cost and expense, vacant and/or unused properties and/or unoccupied buildings of various kinds.
  • We propose better investments in micro, small, medium and large size Canadian businesses with positive fiscal oriented incentives. Our residential, commercial and industrial capacities must be a continued proud source of economic benefit to our overall success as a country.

5 key objectives: cost & Projected Roll-out

A responsible fiscal policy and a sound approach to fiscal management will permit Canadians to enjoy the benefits of our investments in our democratic rights and civil liberties, our democratic bodies of parliament and our country.

The 2022 Liberal budget plan is to spend $15 billion alone, on an international advertising campaign. Obviously, the current federal government continuously demonstrates difficulty prioritizing its spending.

  • We do not plan or propose to borrow any additional new money to implement our 5 key objectives.

Previous to 2022 liberal budget, according to past years fiscal management details provided from current opposition parties and public access information, eliminating 60% of government waste and refocusing $14 billion of that amount would provide the funds needed, to meet our 5 key objectives.

As with any large scale endeavours, Canadians know that time is needed to accomplish those undertakings. We anticipate needing 4 years to bring our proposals to fruition.

  • First 2 years: of our mandate will bring about dialogue, workshops, debates and discussions to draft the legislation needed to foster our proposals and process them into law. During this time, preparations will be undertaken to put in place the applied frameworks to the Canadian civics curriculum. The drafting and development of independent oversight committees and national information databases will be part of this phase, as will the physical electronic voting kiosks development and card voting issuance.
  • Year 3: The physical frameworks of the voting kiosks, registries and everything involving the electronic voting system should be ready for a large scale roll out and large samplings to begin within 3 years. We will use all available time to address national questions, run the system through its paces so to speak, in order for Canadians to become fluent in the practice of our democratic processes and iron out any issues that may arise.
  • Year 4: We anticipate in year 4, to start using our voting process within legislative boundaries. We will continue to enhance the overall process and continue to make voting kiosks available in additional locations. We expect some bumps in the road as any large scale projects might produce, and as such, the first federal elections held after our first term in office should still have in place the old framework of elections in respect and be inclusive to those having difficulty to modernize. Mail-in ballots will also be in place for advance voting. For many reason, we believe this is a responsible approach.

With confidence that CUP will win re-elections, we will have the following 4 years as a country to get accustomed to regularly applying legislative purpose to our democratic endeavours. The following federal elections will primarily be held within the electronic voting framework and mail-in ballots.

We must continue to invest in Canadian democratic values and systems of representation. We will create thousands of new jobs, and provide Canadians with salaries and a better future with a proud Canadian heritage for our children, grand-children and for future Canadians.

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