Our Objectives as a Federal Party

Welcome and thank you for visiting the Canadian United Party. We are inclusive to all. Our proposed objectives are moderate and provide an effective approach in offering you, your voice, your time and your vote, a better future forward.

We stand for and support the Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms, the Canadian Constitution and all they encompass. We do not support extremism. Extremism leaves no room for discussion.  

Canada is defined by its people. Canadians make up its governments, its institutions, its culture. Without Canadians, our communities, our industries and everything else Canadian, would disappear.

The Canadian United Party proposes 5 key objectives that will be the priority and focus of our group. In the future, with CUP MP’s in the House of Commons, Canadians could rest assured that we will represent the people and democracy of Canada. As a federal party, we will continue to foster and protect our democratic parliamentary process, our democratic institutions, our civil liberties, our rights and freedoms.

We must continue to make our democratic system of governance more efficient every day, with the expectation that our civic investments in Canadians, will allow for all Canadians, and future voting Canadians to benefit, if they chose so.

Canadians can expect us to provide a moderate modern approach to allow democracy and most importantly, its people, continued support in a parliamentary system of democracy that serves the people of Canada.

Our current democratic parliamentary branches of government provides Canadians with a parliamentary framework that supports and encourages our focus. Our 5 key objectives are:

In a nutshell, the Canadian United Party stands for a moderate approach to foster the enjoyment of civil liberties, rights and freedoms, as stated in Canada’s current list of responsibilities.

We would like to encourage you to browse the links. We hope you will join the Canadian United Party. Let’s fill the CUP with freedom.

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