Unbiased Information for Canadians

Public access TV broadcasts and/or channels will be available, along with abundant online content to allow Canadians to find unbiased fact checked based information. These platforms will allow for a more direct interaction between the information being presented and the concerns the voting public may have.

We are not proposing using any existing legacy media outlets. We will be providing and funding non-profit style channels dedicated to providing unbiased factual information. Combined with a new approach to live online discussions and digital content, Canadians will find a reliable trustworthy source of information, once again.

Have the ability to watch and/or participate in live discussions. Watch educational debates hosted in high schools, colleges, universities and town halls all discussing the current topics up for vote.

You will know months in advance about the next current issues to vote on. At your convenience, you will be able to access unbiased, independently fact checked based information about current issues.

Our proposals have in mind Independent Canadian content creation and have incentives for such endeavours. Also, we will look to repeal any laws that attempt to impose unfair parameters to Canadian content creators with no Canadian theme. Free speech is a fundamental right.

Our plan includes addressing any legislation that attempts censorship of valid opinions, facts, educational content on a variety of platforms. Dialogue, discussions and debates are a vital part of the human experience and should be fostered for growth and not silenced.

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